Give Teachers More Opportunities to Lead

Give Teachers More Opportunities to Lead

By Learning Forward
The international non-profit association of learning educators

An ever-increasing number of school systems are investing in teacher leaders as a key strategy for improving learning for all students. And they should, as research shows that shared and distributed leadership can be found in most highly successful schools.

When I was a classroom teacher, my passion for continuous learning led me to approach our superintendent about creating the first staff development position in our school system. Not only did we create that position, I wound up filling it.

Early in my tenure, I observed that many of our best teachers were looking for avenues to assume more leadership, and the only option available to them was in administration. I felt the creation of a new staff development department would help additional leadership opportunities. So I convened a team of teacher and principal leaders and we brainstormed ways we could empower our teachers, tap into their creativity, and develop their leadership capacity so that others could benefit from their knowledge and skills. Continue reading…
