Fullerton’s Beechwood School Foundation Salutes the ART of TEACHING at its Casino Royale Night

The Beechwood School Foundation held a festive evening at the Richard Nixon Library on February 24th. The event brought together parents, friends and supporters of Beechwood Elementary School, for a Dinner Auction. Said Kate Strauss, the Foundation’s President, “The night is about celebrating – celebrating our successes and looking ahead to the next chapter, the […]

Cotsen Mentors and Principals Take Part in Differentiated Coaching Workshop

There is a considerable body of research that speaks to the effectiveness of coaching as a tool for improving instruction. Having another set of friendly eyes in a classroom to provide feedback enables teachers to remain focused and relentless in their pursuit of excellence. Consequently, the ART of TEACHING is committed to providing the highest […]

Cotsen Enhances School Leadership Capacity to Support and Sustain School-wide Instructional Excellence

Collaborative professional teams are essential tools for growth and improvement in schools. As a result, just as the Cotsen Foundation for the ART of TEACHING creates powerful learning communities among mentors and fellows to improve their individual teaching practices, the foundation also offers dynamic leadership networks to school administrators and coaches, to support their efforts […]

Acacia Educators Share Tech Tools for Enhancing Literacy Practices

Cotsen principals, administrators, and teachers had an opportunity to observe signature literacy practices at Acacia Elementary School in the Fullerton School District. Their staff has implemented instructional technologies to enhance their Reading Workshop and Writing Workshop. Over 70 participants assembled at the Acacia school site to see how student comprehension can be strengthened by successful […]

Heidi Cockerill Uses Tech Tools to Teach Writing With Text Features

  Think Like a Publisher   Heidi Cockerill, 4th Grade Teaching Point: Writers make their writing interesting to readers by adding a variety of text features to increase engagement.   Common Core State Standards: W.4.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. W.4.2. A Introduce a topic clearly and group related […]

Kristine Spencer Uses Tech Tools to Teach Writing Opinions

  Offering Opinions   Kristine Spencer, 1st Grade Teaching Point: Writers agree or disagree with their partner’s opinion by giving a reason.   Common Core State Standards: W.1.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion and provide […]
