Debra Kojima Uses Tech Tools to Teach Readers The Power of Questions

  GAFE within the Reader’s Workshop Classroom   Debra Kojima, 6th Grade Teaching Point: Good book club members and readers keep the conversation going by asking powerful questions.   Common Core State Standards: RL.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as drawing inferences from the text. RL.6.3 […]

Tracey Anderson Uses Tech Tools to Teach Craft Moves and Constructive Feedback

  Noticing Craft Moves & Providing Feedback in Informational Text   Tracey Anderson, 2nd Grade Teaching Point: Writers study nonfiction books by noticing an author’s Craft Moves to provide constructive feedback. Craft Moves Definition: These are tools and techniques a skilled author uses in storytelling to craft a piece of writing. The reader may notice that […]

Debra Kojima Uses Tech Tools to Teach Writers Organizational Learning

  Using GAFE in the Writer’s Workshop Classroom   Debra Kojima, 6th Grade Teaching Point: Good writers increase the level of learning by organizing their learning into sections.   Common Core State Standards: W.6.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant […]

Kristina Cathcart Uses Tech Tools to Teach Reading Like Experts

  Reading Like an Expert   Kristina Cathcart, 2nd Grade Teaching Point: Writers fluently record their nonfiction books by scooping up phrases in order to make their reading sound smooth, like talking and reading like an expert.   Common Core State Standards: W.1 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and […]

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Educators Observe Writing Workshop at Alvarado During Cotsen Sponsored Visitation Day

Story by Isaac Cox   Alvarado Elementary School has been an integral visitation site for the ART of TEACHING for over twelve years, and last month administrators and teachers had an opportunity to see firsthand the magic that happens behind classroom doors in this Long Beach Unified School. The visitation day was the first opportunity […]

Cotsen and Riordan Build Teacher Capacity and Sustainability

Story by Isaac Cox Synergistic and symbiotic are terms that are frequently used to describe the special relationship between two entities that produces extraordinary results. So it comes as no surprise that amazing things can happen when two foundations with similar missions and goals, collaborate to impact teaching and learning.  Recently, the Riordan Foundation and […]
