UCLA Lab School Inquiry Pedagogy

The UCLA Lab School inquiry pedagogy is rooted in a process of wondering, posing questions, gathering information, representing understanding, solving problems and taking action. Teachers guide the process with in-depth planning and assessment. They start by establishing clear learning goals aligned with rigorous state and national standards — such as the Common Core Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, C3 Social Studies Framework and ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Standards. Then they plan learning experiences to engage children in building the content knowledge and skills to help them meet these standards. They measure student progress throughout the school year to ensure that students are on the pathway to success. All along the way, children’s questions, thoughts, and interests influence the teaching and learning. As the inquiry process unfolds, children have many opportunities to explore ideas and concepts in a meaningful context. They develop their capacities to understand, innovate, evaluate, dream, and make the world around them a better place.
Learn more about the UCLA Lab School Inquiry Approach at: